
Johanna är aktuell i konstboken ”The World Art Guide 2025” och har ett internationellt erkännande med konstnärskod i Musée du Louvres arkiv. Nyligen ställde hon ut under ArtExpo New York 2024 – The World’s Original Fine Art Trade Show. Under 2023 blev hon omskriven av konstkritikern Stig Åke Stålnacke (medlem i AICA) och utsedd till månadens konstnär av Svenska Konstnärsförbundet.

In addition to exhibitions in Paris and New York, Johanna's art has been showcased in a variety of locations, both in Sweden and internationally, including Monaco, Milan, Madrid, Fuerteventura, Stockholm, Malmö, and Rome.

Konsten har figurerat i olika inredningsmagasin och även lånats in av bland annat anrika designföretaget Kasthall till fotografering av deras designmattor. Johanna är även representerad i ”The Nordic Art Guide 2023”.

Art critique

Stig Åke Stålnacke – member of AICA, International Association of Art Critics.

Many people recognizes his name, which has been the subject of numerous newspaper articles, mainly about art and artists, but also theatre. Stålnacke has also done art columns for both radio and television and is one of the well known Swedish art critics. 

With an interest both in the person behind and in the artwork itself, he has also authored several books within the art world.

Johanna Elbe's whispers and shouts.

Is it even possible to reach a "fair" way to interpret another person's emotions? I mean, those expressed in art. I hardly think anyone can claim to fully describe another's fears or moments of joy. Another's life.

In any case, I know that as far as I'm concerned, I would be fully satisfied if I manage to capture even the outer contours of another person's being, as it is expressed in art.

That's right. And that goes a long way. So: no attempt at psychoanalysis, but rather an attempt to get under the skin and into the innermost depths.

So, I then encounter Johanna Elbe's paintings, and she is an artist who makes it both difficult and easy for me. Easy because I find so much tender beauty in her work. The paintings are outwardly similar to each other. They can be likened to the sensitive surfaces of an old wooden wall, caressed for centuries by wind and rain, or to the surface of skin, lovingly stroked by a sensitive hand and desire. This is how I "read" her paintings, but I emphasize, a thousand other interpretations would be just as possible and just as true.

When I say that Johanna Elbe makes it difficult for me, I mean that the kind of art she "lovingly creates" can be incredibly hard to describe and attempt to place. You almost have to be there. These are paintings that draw their nourishment from the nature surrounding her and then merge those impressions with a wave of sensualism. She captures an image, receives an impulse, and infuses it with feeling—feelings of everything that exists within a person.

A painting of something easily read or easily recognized can be simple to interpret and write about, but how does one speak about the most subjective? The most private, the innermost, perhaps even the  most forbidden?

One of our foremost art philosophers, the art critic Ulf Linde, titled one of his art books ”Spejare”. He wrote in a dedication:

"Are we not all seekers? "searchers?"

I add, Johanna Elbe is also a seeker. And personally, I must confess that in her tender paintings, I see an ultra-sensitive searcher for both rest and beauty, anxiety and happiness. But as I said, it's not entirely easy to reach her. And I think that's how it should be. Because after the search, you come home.  And who said it should be easy? Roads are winding.

Listen to what she herself writes in a presentation.

"Creation happens intuitively, and the paintings slowly emerge in thin layers of acrylic. It is a pursuit of recovery, the simply simple in a world filled with stress and unreasonable expectations. Each artwork has a connection to a fragment of nature in an attempt to intuitively capture the feeling that nature brings rather than creating a literal depiction."

So speaks Johanna Elbe. Perhaps one can conclude that she herself provides the best picture of the origin and essence of her creations?

So then, finally, my concluding reflections on Johanna Elbe's art as communication. A person can communicate with me through various expressions. With facial expressions, with gestures, but usually with words. Communication through words can be verbal. We can whisper to each other or shout. We can also communicate by trying to reach each other, influence each other, through writing. This can happen, as here, through texts in books, newspapers, radio, and many other media. However, the image is perhaps the oldest form of communication. This is something I, and many others, have come to understand. I have dedicated my life to living close to, intimately with images, intimately with what we call art.

And Johanna Elbe is, as seen, an artist who has chosen the image as her form of expression. I have attempted above to interpret and engage with her expression. I have also increasingly begun to view her images as letters to the viewer, letters to all of us who encounter her art. Her whispers and shouts.

A piece of advice, in all goodwill: also see her art as love letters to you. Then your adventure will be richer.

Stig Åke Stålnacke, 2023

International Association of Art Critics (AICA)


Linus Cinnamoni (2024-12-21). ”Johanna Elbe, Växjö”. World Art Guide 2025: s. 20-27
Bellamonti Art – ISBN: 9789153123583

Marie Fransson (2024-06-11). ”Johanna Elbe från Växjö ställde ut i New York: ”Det handlar om att synas i rätt sammanhang””. Smålandsposten: s. B8-9.

Gina Cinnamoni (2023-05-01). ”Johanna Elbe, Växjö”. Nordic Art Guide 2023: s. 52-59
Bellamonti Art – ISBN: 9789152761380

Tom Swales (2023-12-22). ”Låt konsten krydda hemmet med Japandi” Villa Nytt, nr12
2023: s. 40-42

Marie Fransson (2023-11-16). ”Johanna Elbe, 39, från Växjö ställde ut konst på Louvren
i Paris”. Smålandsposten: Förstasidan samt s. B8.

Henric Bingström (2023-11-11) ”Johanna från Växjö ställde ut på Louvren”.
Sverigesradio P4 Kronoberg.

Stig Åke Stålnacke (januari 2023). ”Johanna Elbes viskningar och rop”. S.Å. Stålnacke är journalist och konstkritiker, medlem av AICA (International Association of Art Critics).

Marie Fransson (2023-05-16). ”Johanna, 38, och Jessica, 37, visar konstverk utomlands och i Växjö: ”Allt har en koppling till naturen””. Smålandsposten: Förstasidan samt s.

Matilda Wirström (2022-01-31). ”Johanna Elbe fångar naturens element med abstrakt
elegans – ”Jag vill skapa en plats för sinnesro””. Artportable, publikationer.

Tom Swales (2022-02-28). ”Harmoni i hemmet med Japandi Art” Villa Nytt, nr2 2022: s.

Anna Karlsson (2022-04-23). ”Johanna Elbe visar sina målningar på Konstrundan”.

Värnamo nyheter: Förstasidan del2.

Sabine von Borgstede (2021-08-26). ”Japandi Art – en del av det avskalade och enkla”

Villa Nytt, nr8 2021: s. 28-31

Marie Fransson (2021-05-28). ”Nu ska Johanna Elbes tavlor visas på mässa i Monaco”.
Smålandsposten: Förstasidan samt s. B9.

Other Publications
Nöjesnytt Växjö, oktober 2023.
Condé Nast – House & Garden, April issue 2022
Condé Nast – House & Garden, May issue 2022
Condé Nast – House & Garden, June issue 2022


ArtExpo NY 2024, jurybedömd utställning – Pier 36, Manhattan, New York, USA.
Utställning – Kungsgatan 5, Växjö Sverige

Salon International d’art Contemporain, jurybedömd utställning – Carrousel du Louvre, Paris Frankrike.
Jurybedömd samlingsutställning, Växjö Konsthall – Växjö Konstrunda, Växjö Sverige.
Kärlekens Torg – Musikhjälpen 2023, Växjö Sverige
Konstinstallationen, Essence of Nature – World Trade Center Växjö, Sverige.
Lo Spazio Sacro, Rome Art Night – Rossocinabro Gallery, Rom Italien.
Comfort Culture – Rossocinabro Gallery, Rom Italien.
Contemporary Art: The Rome Experience – Rossocinabro Gallery, Rom Italien.

International Contemporary Art Fair ART3F – Porte de Versailles Paris, Frankrike.
Utställning – Artportable, Södermalm Stockholm.
Samlingsutställning Gislaved Konsthall – Konstrundan Gislaved-Gnosjö, Gislaved Sverige.
Collective International Exhibition – Van Gogh Art Gallery, Madrid Spanien.
Una visione un po’ differente – Rossocinabro Gallery, Rom Italien.
Utställning – Galleri Plume, Viken Sverige.
Nuovi Mondi – Rossocinabro Gallery, Rom Italien.
Jurybedömd utställning – Svenska Konstgalleriet, Malmö Sverige.
Reinventando L’ordinario – Rossocinabro Gallery, Rom Italien.
Jurybedömd samlingsutställning – Växjö Konsthall – Växjö Konstrunda, Växjö Sverige.
Smålands Museum – Växjö Konstrunda, Växjö Sverige.
Residenti – Rossocinabro Gallery, Rom Italien.
Rome Art Week – Rossocinabro Gallery, Rom Italien.
Be Rossocinabro – Rossocinabro Gallery, Rom Italien.
Lo Spazio Sacro, Rome Art Night – Rossocinabro Gallery, Rom Italien.

International Contemporary Art Fair ART3F – Chapiteu de Fontvielle Monaco.
Japandi Art, solo exhibition - World Trade Center, Växjö Sweden
D.E M.O Lifestyle – M.A.D.S. Art Gallery, Milano & Fuerteventura.
Collective International Exhibition – Van Gogh Art Gallery, Madrid Spanien.

Collective Exhibition - The University of Växjö, Sweden

Collective Exhibition - The University of Växjö, Sweden


Elected member of the Swedish Artists' Association and board member of Växjö Art Round.
